Monday, 26 December 2016

Another minion Monday!!!

Ho! Ho! Ho![image]As today is Monday, the start of another week, I thought I would try to put a smile on your face but it will only work if the site will let the images stay.I have posted 5 images…. // Raguel:Does the TV show charmed exist or is my friend making it up so she [...]

Our relationship started out horrible.
(25 December 2016)

My boyfriends family LOVES me and I'm included in everything.
(25 December 2016)

I think my parents are just jealous and upset that I'm growing up, but I'm not giving home issues out.... I want to go to a community college in my town for a little while and then go to a univ. and finish RN school there.
(25 December 2016)

We have been dating for almost a year and he supports me and my decisions unlike my parents.
(25 December 2016)

I'm still treated like I'm 12. I have a boyfriend that i have known since pre k.
(25 December 2016)

I'm so tired of living with my parents.
(25 December 2016)

I'm 17, a senior, fixing to graduate in about 4 months.
(25 December 2016)

This past whole year me and her have been going head on with each other.
(25 December 2016)

She's always made sure I've gotten the medicines I need, and took me to all my doctors appts.
(25 December 2016)

I was born with Cystic Fibrosis.
(25 December 2016)

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