I am a certified massage therapist and I massage men all day long! I have the wish to massage a woman for a change today and I am willing to do it for free! I can do it at work whittier or your place. I am 100 professional. I am only offering this today. [...]
First of all, she gets angry every time I don t want to do something her way.
(25 December 2016)
She s easily the most infuriating people I have ever had to deal with.
(25 December 2016)
She is an adult now but still acts like a child.
(25 December 2016)
I need advice on how to deal with my sister.
(25 December 2016)
What do i do I think I messed up?
(25 December 2016)
After break we stopped talking as much because i was more scared to talk to him because my feelings were stronger.
(25 December 2016)
We had only been talking occasionally in class at school and when thanksgiving break came we never talked but my friend and him sent snapchats a lot.
(25 December 2016)
There were still a lot more things that he did around me that made me feel like he liked me though.
(25 December 2016)
She started talking to him and i started to get the feeling he liked her a small bit but not that much it seemed more like he was just being nice.
(25 December 2016)
I started to get the feeling that she liked him and she got his snapchat.
(25 December 2016)
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