Tuesday, 27 December 2016

Friends first, more down the road?

I’ll save the thorough summary about myself for a response. However, in a nutshell I’m a born and raised northern Virginian, movie buff galore, foodie, dog lover, workout fiend, photographer, the epitome of go-with-the-flow, Washington sports nut, hopeless romantic, and loving brother and son. Please put today’s date in the subject to weed out [...]

Should I lie about my age in order to keep a good relationship with these guys?
(26 December 2016)

I know how to handle myself and I know a perv when I see one.
(26 December 2016)

There was this one man who kept talking to me, but he just told me to get off the app because of pervs.
(26 December 2016)

Everything goes great until they ask me my age and I tell them. they almost instantly stop talking to me and I feel bad and feel as though I had done something wrong.
(26 December 2016)

I'm a 15 year old boy and ive been on this dating app called scruff. people seem to like me on there a lot. they even send pictures from time to time. they are mostly nude pictures and face pictures.
(26 December 2016)

HELP!! I cant finish my work because im overwhelmed?
(26 December 2016)

I should send it to my uni professor yesterday.
(26 December 2016)

Best way to apologize to a girl?
(26 December 2016)

Why does my girlfriend keeps throwing up?
(26 December 2016)

People say your not suppose to use Plan B and Action Plan as a regular birth control so im wondering what's wrong with my girlfriend.
(26 December 2016)

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