Saturday, 24 December 2016

It has still not launched officially because they are still waiting for their bar license

There is a wall with all vintage stuff-cupboard, record player, etc. It is 2 floors plus terrace stand alone property. The bar is a reception kind of thing that they have converted into a bar. It has around the world appetizers, middle eastern delights. It has cuisines that are Mediterranean, Italian, Nigerian._ Charlyn:How do I … Continue reading "It has still not launched officially because they are still waiting for their bar license"

My brother is superior to me in every way but one.
(22 December 2016)

He made it into the Army, they wouldn't even let me into boot camp.
(22 December 2016)

I can balance my personal finances but that's it.
(22 December 2016)

He is extremely good at money management and business.
(22 December 2016)

I can work on computers but that's it.
(22 December 2016)

He can fix cars and work on houses like its second nature.
(22 December 2016)

He's fluent in three languages, I can get by in two, one of which is just sign language.
(22 December 2016)

He graduated school with an associates, I dropped out with honor role.
(22 December 2016)

Despite us being twins he has always succeeded where I have failed.
(22 December 2016)

So I'm not going to pretend that I am not envious of my brother.
(22 December 2016)

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