Sunday, 25 December 2016

just checkng things out

Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada // Thomasine:I don t financially depend on them.(4 December 2016) Thomasine:They never apologize or accept that their behavior affects their grandchild.(4 December 2016) Thomasine:They refuse to acknowledge that I m a good role model for my son.(4 December 2016) Thomasine:If my son doesn t finish eating everything on his plate she gets upset.(4 [...]

My holiday break just started and it's already ruined.
(24 December 2016)

I feel like I'm losing out on valuable life experiences and it's keeping me from maturing, which is why I resort to petty things like lying.
(24 December 2016)

I haven't experienced anything in this world, let alone my own city, and she won't let me.
(24 December 2016)

I know the fact that I lied to her was completely wrong, but what else am I supposed to do?
(24 December 2016)

When I got home she was so mad and she was screaming.
(24 December 2016)

My mom called the person who's supposed birthday it was and they told her I went downtown.
(24 December 2016)

In reality, it was just me and my best friend and we went downtown together to watch a movie and walked through the shopping center and had dinner.
(24 December 2016)

So yesterday I lied to my mom saying that I was going to a local theater to watch a movie with a group of friends for a birthday.
(24 December 2016)

I can only go out in general if it's a friend's birthday, meaning I stay home about 300 days of the year.
(24 December 2016)

Everyone else my age goes downtown to hang out and eat, and I am not allowed to do that.
(24 December 2016)

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