Thursday, 1 December 2016

Spank Me Daddy

Please…. // Tamica:My girlfriend has spiraled into deep depression and won’t stop crying because Trump won?(11 November 2016) Tamica:I voted for Trump but she doesn’t know that and I have to play the role of supportive boyfriend when I deep down think that she is going mentally insane.(11 November 2016) Tamica:She told me she is scared to go [...]

Friend Breakup Help?
(30 November 2016)

I don t want to send him a text directly and ask him why he s ignoring me because maybe he needs space.
(30 November 2016)

I m a CCP student, so if you re wondering, I m young and in college.
(30 November 2016)

Is he ignoring me becauss I m too young to understand or is it because he told me something very personal and he needs time?
(30 November 2016)

We ve been awesome friends since then.
(30 November 2016)

I know everything about him (as a friend). So, I just want to know if I did something wrong.
(30 November 2016)

He has to walk past my chair tonget to his, so he looks the opposite direction while walking (as if I don t see him.
(30 November 2016)

We used to sit together, but now he sits on the opposite side of class by himself.
(30 November 2016)

We also share a class together in college.
(30 November 2016)

I text him pictures of fun things I ve made (like cooking stuff), but he doesn t text me.
(30 November 2016)

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