The desert is a jagged band of lava and sagetangled in beautya lover’s embracebound with tongue and fingersto an idea of somethingsafe, sacred, simple_ Louetta:She’s always been in my English class but I’ve never spoken to her until now.(2 February 2017) Louetta:Okay so there is this girl that I had just met 2 days ago.(2 February 2017) Delilah:Does [...]
The cute coworker came around the corner to respond to our boss, looked at me, seemed a bit startled, blatantly looked me up and down, then left our boss' office.
(4 February 2017)
I've recently lost 25 pounds btw.
(4 February 2017)
I was wearing a nice pencil skirt, just above knee length, flesh colored stockings, white 5 inch heels and a conservative navy sweater.
(4 February 2017)
I was at work taking notes my boss was giving me.
(4 February 2017)
How can I get a date where I live?
(4 February 2017)
I cut off from the woman and these guys go away. any suggestions?
(4 February 2017)
I have been around a dozen of these women and has had serious issues with these guys.
(4 February 2017)
These women usually gets these guys to bully, beat up or come after people if they just think it would be funny.
(4 February 2017)
I ate Burger King three times yesterday and now I'm burping constantly and my hair is falling out?
(4 February 2017)
Am I wrong for being so cautious to ask a girl out?
(4 February 2017)
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