Thursday, 2 February 2017

He nails this mixture of being very ethereal but also having a distinctly masculine energy

He is a Pisces Sun and without a known birth time he could have the Moon in either Cancer or Leo. If he was born around 5:45 am, he would have the Sun in the 1st conjunct the Ascendant in Pisces. They come off as very regal, dignified, and self-assured. Also, he does seem like [...]

While texting she's giving to her girl friends hearts and kisses, things like that.
(1 February 2017)

The thing is that she is acting kind of different with me than she does with ALL of her friends.
(1 February 2017)

Sometimes we even flirt with each other.
(1 February 2017)

Anyways we've been talking every day since october and became really good friends.
(1 February 2017)

I'm a girl and I always tought that I prefered boys but 2 years ago I developed a huuge crush on a girl that I still love today.
(1 February 2017)

Do you think it will work?
(1 February 2017)

Did you regret your affair or did it bring you happiness?
(1 February 2017)

Include whether it broke up your marriage or not.
(1 February 2017)

Does she sound annoyed by my texts?
(1 February 2017)

This is how it went: Me: dance seems stressful Her: it is Me: i would end up crying Her: why Me: cause you said its stressful Her: so ?
(1 February 2017)

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