Friday, 3 February 2017

Selfie 4/12/2015

Me before going take dog at groomer this morning Me at 41and six months. .Dog after groomer day_ Orpha:Now I think most people would rather avoid me.(3 February 2017) Orpha:I rarely talked to teachers and classmates, and only talk with my closest friends.(3 February 2017) Orpha:For my whole four years of school life, I’ve been very shy and [...]

Over the past 5 years , Ive spent hundreds of dollars there.
(3 February 2017)

Number 3 : I'm questioning if she and her friends ( who are bartenders at the bar that I frequent) even appreciate my patronage . Should I take a brief hiatus from going in there , or should I permanently stop going there?
(3 February 2017)

Number 2 : Why is she keeping me as a friend on facebook, if my posts offend her and her friends?
(3 February 2017)

Number 1 : Why are her friends getting involved , when she is a grown woman and can fend for herself?
(3 February 2017)

Yet so far , they choose to keep me as a friend.
(3 February 2017)

I advised her to delete and or block me from facebook , if her and her friends find my posts offensive.
(3 February 2017)

As a friend , I never knew she would think I was intentionally trying to hurt her with my jokes.
(3 February 2017)

Over the past few months , I have posted jokes on my friend's facebook page.
(3 February 2017)

My Girlfriend is not a friend of me on internet?
(3 February 2017)

I went to my niece's house and found her asleep on the floor with her dad in last night's clothes?
(3 February 2017)

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