Sunday, 19 March 2017

I don’t like Christmas

Wolkjeblauw alias elaleose I Don’t Like Christmas I don’t like ChristmasChristmas used to be a lot of fun you see,but not anymore.What changed it happened 43 years before.It was a sad timethat aff_ Pauletta:I am that attracted to him and he drives me bananas with his insane sexiness.(18 March 2017) Pauletta:However, if he pursued me any further [...]

You were crushing me and I blamed myself, cos you were too young to blame you... I need you to come back and be my husband and give me a live... I'm tired of suffering and bad things...
(18 March 2017)

I know you were 16, but we were having, I was not your teacher, or older sister or mum.
(18 March 2017)

There's not point in being together if you will crush me, then i'd rather not be together, precisely because I love you.
(18 March 2017)

That was beyond messed up and coupled with very brutal abuse I was already victim to, it crushed me.
(18 March 2017)

You were crushing me John, you were crushing me more than Abdul cos I could separate myself from him, he was someone raping me... I can't separate myself from you, I love you and you were raping me, making me like it.
(18 March 2017)

If you're my child then we can't be husband and wife.
(18 March 2017)

If you're my husband you can't do abusive stuff no other man would be allowed to do.
(18 March 2017)

My 12 year old daughter is dating a teenager?
(18 March 2017)

Why is someone telling lies about me?
(18 March 2017)

Please help me before I lose all of my friends.
(18 March 2017)

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