I don't want to like her because it conflicts with my religion which thinks it is a sin to like someone of the same sex and I know nothing will come of it as she is straight... (I am only 17 and Mormon, she is Mormon too.) She has no idea I like her.
(23 April 2017)
I like one of my same sex friends.
(23 April 2017)
It is also my exam week at school so I have been stressed.
(23 April 2017)
My period is a day late but the previous month it came two days early.
(23 April 2017)
It was my first day of my period and he also pulled out.
(23 April 2017)
Would you trust a 4D ultrasound for gender check at 14 weeks?
(23 April 2017)
Would you trust a 4D over a regular ultrasound?
(23 April 2017)
Like any new mom-to-be I am extremely anxious to find out what I will be having but I'm also having second thoughts on the timing of the ultrasound.
(23 April 2017)
I dont think my bf is over his ex wife? what do i do?
(23 April 2017)
Is it weird that my husband likes to blindfold me the entire time during sex?
(23 April 2017)
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