Tuesday, 4 July 2017

New Research Says That for Men, an Orgasm a Day Can Keep the Doctor Away

There’s tons of evidence to suggest that having orgasms on a regular basis is good for your health. In fact, science has suggested that masturbating regularly can lead to everything from an improved_ Sophie:I can’t even think of dating right now.(4 July 2017) Sophie:Everyone at work is married and don’t care to invite me to things.(4 July [...]

No one likes me why is Allah doing this to me?
(4 July 2017)

I can t get anything right no one likes me, no girl likes me, I m ugly, my parents are always yelling at me.
(4 July 2017)

Help list nicknames?
(4 July 2017)

Unusual ones like Frisk, Cappi, Lynx, Nike, Bre, etc.
(4 July 2017)

What are the possibility I am pregnant?
(4 July 2017)

We only had intercourse 3 times to be exact.
(4 July 2017)

My partner did not wear a condom.
(4 July 2017)

I am on the Nexplanon birth control and have been on it for over a year now.
(4 July 2017)

The last time I have had any sexually activity was May 25th to May 28th.
(4 July 2017)

I have been getting painful cramps, but have still not bleed.
(4 July 2017)

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