Sunday, 13 August 2017

Repost of Trip Pics- Sassy & Free

[image][image2][image3][image4][image5]Now that comments are working again…for now…More from the Valentine’s long weekend together. Can you tell what I love to do? That look in my eyes…he does t_ Mindi:The aunt has not always gotten along with her sister, my Mom, but they are civil right now.(11 August 2017) Mindi:The cousin was born in 1991 so he is [...]

I can be more outgoing when I drink.
(10 August 2017)

When I drink I've never been in a fight, called anyone names, get in trouble.
(10 August 2017)

I heard if they act like that then they need help.
(10 August 2017)

I don't understand why people act like this.
(10 August 2017)

I recently had to cut some mean drunk friends that I've known for years out of my life.
(10 August 2017)

Why did she get annoyed over this?
(10 August 2017)

What the longest you waired for sone one who you finally realized was just using you, and left you out to dry, what did it take to move on?
(10 August 2017)

I waited for some one for over 5 years thinking they were the one.
(10 August 2017)

I met some one who showed me not all women are like that.
(10 August 2017)

For me it was enough hurt them not being there, trying to change me, only interested in my money.
(10 August 2017)

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