Sunday, 5 November 2017

Blogger Symposium - Sounds of Silence

Eight years ago I decided to stop having secrets, after a lifetime of keeping things close to the vest – even from myself. Oh, I surely had started the work long before that but that’s really the_ Phillis:Does what my uncle did to me count as sexual abuse?(2 November 2017) Lakisha:Is this normal to you, or inappropriate?(2 [...]

It's been a month we've been going out and I like him, but he's very pushy about wanting to be with me everyday, I'm seeing him more than enough.
(3 November 2017)

I started dating a man 16 yrs older than me., He's 72, and his wife died 3 yrs ago.
(3 November 2017)

Why can you not pull two cpp pensions?
(3 November 2017)

Why can she not receive benefits from both my fathers cpp and hers?
(3 November 2017)

Her financial advisor has pretty much maxed out on everything he can do, and he has told her she cannot apply for her cpp without losing that of my fathers.
(3 November 2017)

She is destitute, and needs money.
(3 November 2017)

My father recently passed away, and my mother has recently retired on a meagre pension from her employer.
(3 November 2017)

I really want to because I really like this girl.
(3 November 2017)

I have something to tell you I like you I just didn't get the chance to tell you.
(3 November 2017)

I thought I could say something like hey do you know me?
(3 November 2017)

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