_ Ashli:Could it have been possible to have been pregnant with twins if I miscarried a couple of weeks before I found out that I was pregnant?(7 November 2017) Katherina:Is it ever ok for a man to hit a woman?(7 November 2017) Katherina:Or in defense of his wife or another female relative?(7 November 2017) Sha:This guy I m talking [...]
However, managers are not allowed to date coworkers.
(7 November 2017)
Advice on dating coworker?
(7 November 2017)
The policy states that dating coworker is not prohibited but it's no advised either.
(7 November 2017)
There is a strong chance she likes me.
(7 November 2017)
I think it's about time I learn to take risks or else I will be single for the rest of my life because I keep passing up dating opportunities.
(7 November 2017)
I'm 25 years of age and never had sex before.
(7 November 2017)
I have been living my whole life not taking risk and what has it gotten me?
(7 November 2017)
Although we do get teased because apparently everyone thinks we are being too obvious by the way we interact.
(7 November 2017)
So I am thinking of asking her out.
(7 November 2017)
It pays minimum wage and it's not like I will work there forever.
(7 November 2017)
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