Muses come in many forms; it is just those I converse with via the script of words upon my screen traveling to them in an electronic format. Still, such meanings within the letters forming thoughts in_ Leigh:So I confronted him about it and he said she likes him and he apologized and said he shouldn’t have [...]
Like, part of me new this might come, but i m just confused at this point.
(6 November 2017)
I honestly felt sad and confused at the same time.
(6 November 2017)
And right after that, she said we couldn t do this anymore.
(6 November 2017)
Today, after school, I asked her how her day was, and she said pretty good.
(6 November 2017)
I can tell that she likes me, but now i m confused.
(6 November 2017)
I have 2 of my friends supporting me with her.
(6 November 2017)
We basically talked like a whole weekend over text.
(6 November 2017)
We talked more about each others feelings.
(6 November 2017)
The next day we flirted a lot over text, and I made her happy.
(6 November 2017)
Then she asked how I felt about her, and my friend told me to just tell her straight up, which I did, and we talked more after that and we both seemed happy.
(6 November 2017)
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