I thought I’d create a blog about reading everyone elses blog , lol there seems to be alot cool people on here from what I’ve read so far_ Majorie:The seats are still wet and they smell like gas.(5 November 2017) Phung:How do you get a gf in high school?(5 November 2017) Phung:Is there a way to prevent any [...]
Even in the smallest detail she matches.
(5 November 2017)
So I start wondering if I actually do and if it turns out that I don t then I don t think I can find someone as spot on to what I ve always wanted in a person my entire life.
(5 November 2017)
I ve been chasing this girl whom I love and is perfect to me in everyway, she s an extremely smart, outgoing, beautiful, curvy, fun to be around type of girl.
(5 November 2017)
Is it really gonna happen after divorce?
(5 November 2017)
Can someone tell me when I got pregnant?
(5 November 2017)
My original due date was May 6th 2018, but my doctor has changad it to April 25 . I used a conception calender and when I put my due date of May 6 it said my conception date was exactly August 13.. can someone help?
(5 November 2017)
Is it weird to marry someone from a different country so you can live with him if you have known him for 3 months?
(5 November 2017)
Im a chinese guy and i like girls with big butts and curves, does this mean i have black ancestry?
(5 November 2017)
It's starting to strom now she's a little upset she's not too worried about the storm she's just worried about the power going out she's scared of the dark.
(5 November 2017)
My girlfriend is a little scared there's tornado watches south of our state through out Indiana and Kentucky were in Ohio such doesn't get many tornadoes.
(5 November 2017)
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