Sunday, 5 November 2017

What a beautiful state we live in

[image] I love California it has everything, from mountains to oceans to the desert which most of southern California is. I have traveled quite a bit when i was married and while there are some beau_ Vernice:Could I be pregnant please advice?(2 November 2017) Vernice:What are the chances of being pregnant I took two tests one 7 [...]

I tried talking to her about it but she got annoyed with ME, that I was too sensitive.
(2 November 2017)

Usually I'll shut right up, as if I'm not worthy of a thought, but it's getting annoying.
(2 November 2017)

I am quiet by nature, have no friends, but whenever I speak to anybody while we are out, she interrupts & contradicts or undermines anything I say.
(2 November 2017)

She has a dynamic personality, has tons of friends and talks to every person that crosses our path.
(2 November 2017)

My longtime friend and I get together once a week and have a fun day of shopping and lunch.
(2 November 2017)

After you turn 21 do you stop hanging out at peoples houses?
(2 November 2017)

Do you stop hanging out at peoples houses and only go to bars once you turn 21?
(2 November 2017)

Girl remembered detail about me from the beginning of the year, good sign?
(2 November 2017)

I don't remember where anyone else in the class worked.
(2 November 2017)

The teacher assigned us partners and she changed the subject and brought up where I worked out of nowhere.
(2 November 2017)

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