Wednesday, 8 November 2017

Words From A Life . . .

. . . . . .Story In Progress. First can I say that any and all ‘maybes and perhaps’ aside it would appear I am back open, though, appearances can be deceiving can they not ? [image] It did make me fe_ Myrta:So this guy I’ve been talking to said he could come over if I [...]

Overwatch purchase help?
(5 November 2017)

Im on a mac book pro and am wondering if i could run overwatch at 60fps.
(5 November 2017)

My ex narcissist showed up unannounced at my parent's house looking for me?
(5 November 2017)

I just hate the idea of opening communication because I have no spoken to him since Nov 2016. Any suggestions?
(5 November 2017)

I feel like I should step in and tell him to stop.
(5 November 2017)

I live in another state (which he has no idea) & my parents are not happy.
(5 November 2017)

So I have to ignore him until he stops.
(5 November 2017)

He has been trying to get back with me all year, but I have gone no contact because he was emotionally abusive and controlling during the relationship.
(5 November 2017)

He bypassed the block I put on his number and left a message on my voicemail, saying he misses me very much & wants to know how I am.
(5 November 2017)

So my ex narcissist showed up at my parent's home looking for me multiple times.
(5 November 2017)

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