Make sure you constantly check your auto renew, the site turned mine back on and charged my account. Then, they attempted to tell me I must not have turned it off correctly. Bullshit, I was getting th_ Augustine:We’ve gotten in so many fights about this and i was pretty pissed at her at the party and [...]
She told me it was because she could do better, and didn t see a future in myself.
(2 January 2018)
I m 23 and the first girlfriend I ever had cheated on me.
(2 January 2018)
Why do women treat me like I'm nothing?
(2 January 2018)
Nearly every woman I meet treats me like I'm not worth their time, yet they treat other men (who treat me with the upmost respect) like gold.
(2 January 2018)
Dating apps - should I give them a try again?
(2 January 2018)
In theory there may be someone out there on a dating app who's genuine, but it seems unlikely.
(2 January 2018)
I've used dating apps before but it didn't go date ghosted, one just didn't click, one I dated a while but he turned out to be a narcissist.
(2 January 2018)
Is it normal to lose your virginity at age 16?
(2 January 2018)
At first i stopped him and he respected my decision until eventually we finally had sex.
(2 January 2018)
So im 16 and i told him about it.
(2 January 2018)
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