Become a watcher so you never miss out_ Dacia:Would I be an awful person for hooking up with him anyway?(3 March 2019) Dacia:But then again is my best friend being selfish since she has a girlfriend and I don’t?(3 March 2019) Dacia:I feel like if I hooked up with him I would betray some best friend code since [...]
I instantly got an erection in a split second.
(28 February 2019)
I liked seeing her white skin, the curves, her wide body, hips and her belly ring.
(28 February 2019)
I looked at her and saw her roll her shirt so it showed her stomach and belly ring.
(28 February 2019)
Does anyone else get horny after eating too much?
(28 February 2019)
My sister is a narcissistic person and an adult. Is this created because she over-ruled our parents growing up in rule making?
(28 February 2019)
Now she is a narcissist as an adult at age 31. I don't even like her.
(28 February 2019)
Our parents allowed her to get out of punishments if she screamed and cried enough and if she demanded enough something then our Mom gave it to her.
(28 February 2019)
If I have a bad day he says to quit burdening him with it.
(28 February 2019)
He has no love left for me, the youngest in a family of 3. If my disabled brother has a bad day he loves and caters to him.
(28 February 2019)
How do I get my Dad to have love and respect for me?
(28 February 2019)
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