Tuesday, 2 April 2019

TV and why I don’t watch it

Anyone who knows me well enough knows I don’t watch TV. I have a firestick, which has proven to be a very complicated relationship, but I rarely watch it. I don’t have cable or even bunny ears. I h_ Louann:She was my angel, best friend, tomboy princess, twin soul.(1 April 2019) Louann:I wish I could find her [...]

Why do feminist liberals like to put such a double standard against the straight white conservative male?
(29 March 2019)

They find reasons to cal him racist, sexist, and homophobic.
(29 March 2019)

Does Billie Eilish have a big butt?
(30 March 2019)

Men dont approach a woman cause she dresses like she from lil house on da prairie?
(30 March 2019)

Conserned about getting married?
(30 March 2019)

Does he have to return right away?
(30 March 2019)

Or can we marry, he stays for how long he is permitted to then leave?
(30 March 2019)

So I asked if my partner who is from Finland comes here and we get married would it be allowed?
(30 March 2019)

Just Family Issues I Guess?
(30 March 2019)

As im turning 17. an you guys please help me with this?
(30 March 2019)

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